Simpo WaterPlus Tray 28

(tray of automatic coup of eggs in the incubator)

The Simpo WaterPlus 28 tray is a light version of the Standart WaterPlus 28 automatic egg   tray (the tray parts are made of painted metal).

Simpo WaterPlus 28

Simpo WaterPlus 28 allows to incubate eggs of large, medium and small size of all bird species in incubators of any manufacturers. Use in third-party incubators is recommended in conjunction with the coup timer (purchased separately). In Broody incubators a timer is not required.

Simpo WaterPlus 28

The electric motor is designed for voltage of 220 V AC. The moment of coup force is 7-8 kg.

All specifications are similar to the model Standart WaterPlus 28

Simpo WaterPlus 28

The Simpo WaterPlus 2 8 tray and the Standart WaterPlus 28 tray are the most versatile automatic egg couplers in the Broody line of accessories, as they allow incubation of eggs of all bird species, excluding the ostrich.

  • Simpo WaterPlus 28 Tray Specifications

Capacity of the tray / Estimated number of eggs, pcs:   – Goose

– chicken

– quail (with a Q28 liner )




Food220V / 12V
Coupling speed2.5 rpm
Motor power, W4
Moment, kg7-8
Overall dimensions, m0,42х0,45х0,12
Weight, kg (net) 1.18