Incubator for quail eggs


Quail incubator

Quail incubator

Any incubator of the Broody lineup can turn into a quail incubator in a few minutes. To do this, it is sufficient to install a special mesh liner in each cassette of the automatic tray. As a result, 28 quail eggs are placed in each cassette (designed for 8-9 eggs). Each automatic flip tray has 5 cassettes (if it is a model for chicken, duck eggs) and 4 cassettes (if this is a model for geese, turkeys). In this way, each tray of autorotation holds 140 (112) quail eggs.


Incubator for quail eggs

Quail incubator

If you have an incubator:

  • Zoom (and it has 4 trays), then the capacity of the incubator for quail output is 4х140 = 560 eggs .
  • Mini (2 trays), then capacity – 2х140 = 280 eggs
  • Maxi  (9 trays, farmer), capacity 9×140 = 1360 quail eggs
  • Micro  (1 tray, 6 cassettes) = holds 168 quail eggs

Incubator for quail eggs

The design of the liner is designed in such a way that each quail egg is securely fastened in an upright position. In this case, an automatic flip provides a smooth turn of the egg in the poultry house set by the control unit, intervals of time. The automatic humidification function maintains the specified humidity in a wide range – from 20 to 99%. A function of automatic ventilation of the quail incubator allows you to update the air according to the schedule set by the user. 

Incubators for quails